Yes it's I am 43 years old. Tengo 43 años. I spent a little time looking back at all the stuff I've done and places I've been over the years. There are some big stretches of time where it was same old same old, especially in the beginning, and a few clusters of a lot of life changes at once. I guess the same old clichés ring true on the passage of time. A verse that come to mind is:
Life is a short, warm moment
And death is a long cold rest
You get your chance to try
In the twinkling of an eye
Eighty years, with luck, or even less
~Pink Floyd , Free four
Not that I'm melancholy, de hecho, I think as far as relationships, marriage, health, family and profession, I'm in about the best place that I have yet been to date on this tour. I've been re-born in a sense, after a tough couple of years. I work out regularly, except for the last few weeks, so I'm probably better shape and definitely stronger, than I've ever been. I've also made up a bucket list of sorts, and I've been hitting all the stuff on it. Some stuff is a "do once in your life" kind of thing, other stuff is a change of lifestyle and/or the additional of hobbies and activities that I've always wanted to do...building post and beam stuff, landscaping my yard, learning a language that I love. Family is great, professional standing is good, hopefully I becoming one of those types of surveyors that I always looked up to and admired.
So I thought it would be fun (and I hope interesting) to share a few moments and places I've been at over the past 43 years. Kind of a "this date in history" kind of thing.
5 years ago: 2004 - 38 years old
Working on my second winter here at SVE as survey manager. Living on Poocham Road in Westmoreland with Tracy, Jeremiah & Grace. Drinking lots of martinis and working lots of hours. Not actually a healthy lifestyle...soon to change.
10 years ago: 1999 ~ 33 years old
Living at Stoddard II on Juniper Hill Road and working at Clough Harbour & Associates. First year as the survey manager and NE Region surveyor, licensed as a surveyor in Dec. 2008, all with thanks to Rich Roberge, Mike Hart and Roger Monsell, as well as a many other surveyors, but those guys in particular. I've become professional, have a short hair cut and dress for business most days. Have two crews working for me. Stress level is always pretty high. Jeremiah is 2 years old and our little house is a little crowded. Still have a healthy back (broke it in 2000)
15 years ago: 1994 ~ 28 years old
I'm dating Tracy Pike and we live together at Stoddard I with Roxy, two Kitties (Thelma & Louise) and Bunny. We have an awesome garden and a big open field. Our little cottage is awesome, with a beautiful big deck, but winters are a little chilly - no woodstove allowed (we rent). I'm working at Clough Harbour. I spend a lot of time on the road as a Party Chief or field tech. Recently got my septic designers license. I keep my hair in a long braid or ponytail, down to mid back and usually have a big red beard in the winter.
20 years ago: 1989 ~ 23 years old
I'm dating and living with Diane Rickson in Medford, MA, just outside Boston. I work for Steve Marchese Landscaping for $10/hour but have the truck and equipment to use on the weekend, making $50/hour mowing lawns. Cut off my long curly hair and went with a mullet at Diane's request. Duh! Chris Rickson, Dianes brother, is one of my best friends (still is). Hang out a lot of nights in Boston at Bennigan's where Diane bartends.
25 years ago: 1984 ~ 18 years old
Freshman at Keene State College. No girlfriends, I have long curly hair, and I'm living at home for the first semester before moving into Fiske Hall in January with an old buddy. Fantastic grades first so fantastic from there-on. Lots of parties, girls and beer, thereafter as well. Hanging with Jeremy Westhaver and Jason Kyrousis. First class in Geography that led me to classes on land surveying, that led me to my present career and BA degree in Geography. Klaus Bayr, my geography professor and advisor, with his cool Austrian accent, strict adherence to detail, awesome sense of humor and love of geography really got me started. Thank you!
30 years ago: 1979 ~ 13 years old
Living in Westmoreland on Glebe Road with Mom & Dad, Dan & Sarah. My teacher is Mr. Peach. I'm in love with every pretty girl in no avail. My luck with girls doesn't really change till Senior year in High School. Sam Olmstead is my best friend, and has been since I came to school here in 5th grade (still is). Reading The Lord of the Rings and other Tolkien stuff, as well as books by James Michener...first was Centennial, then Alaska, then Chesapeake, then Hawaii, and more. Got my first music device, an 8 track player, and an 8 track album ...Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf. My dog is Shiloh, a big golden retriever, foof dog, my best buddy.
35 years ago: 1974 ~ 8 years old
We're getting back there. I live at 94 Laurel Lane in Keene, NH and go to school at Jonathan Daniels, an open concept kind of school. I'm in Mrs. Mayes' 3rd grade.
40 years ago: 1969 ~ 3 years old
The world revolves around me! ha ah
So there it is, a spin around the life of Russ Huntley. I'm looking forward to a few more years and a lot more fun. Thanks to all my friends and family along the way.