Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It was a dark and stormy night…

Grace & I waited patiently for 6 O’clock to drop off Tracy and Jeremiah at cello lessons, so we could start our weekly bout of SNACK-MANIA.

Tonight we are headed to Borders for a Mississippi Mud Pie Brownie, Cocoa and Coffee, after which we’ll browse the books. When Cello is over, we’ll pick up those two and hit Amici's Pizza for dinner,a large, thin crust pepperoni, one huge slice of pizza for Grace and 8 buffalo tenders with blue cheese.

Don’t let anyone tell you the Huntley’s don’t know how to live large!!

Maybe TV tonight, we have the new Angelina movie or a recording of Monday’s Heroes. Choices, choices.

Hope it’s not icy on the way home, it’s supposed to be crappy out tonight and tomorrow. Maybe they’ll Cancel the NHLSA Exec meeting.

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