So, for as long as I can remember, I have loved boats. Do I have one? No. Have I ever had one? No. We actually, that is not quite true. I have a canoe, but what I have dreamed of since I was a little kid is a sail boat. Actually there have been two dreams, a small square rigged ship like a brig to live on and sail around the world with, and a Danish (Viking) longboat. Maybe its in the genes. My Uncle Jim has been building sailboats for years.
These things have been on my “someday” list forever. Well, we all know what “someday” means. I think you’ve all heard me write about my ideas on ”someday “ before. “Someday” never happens. “Someday” is how we express dreams we’ll never see. Things that would be cool, but that will never, ever, happen, unless “someday” we win the lottery.
I don’t keep a someday list. To quote Master Yoda’s philosophy, “Do or do not, there is no try” (read …try = someday) In the last few years, I’ve come up with goals that I have in life and either scratched them out as a “someday” thing not worthy of taking up brain space, or put them on an active list of things I’m tackling. Another trick I learned from some classes I took years ago, either Dale Carnegie or the 7 Habits Covey stuff; (I can’t recall) is to put your goals out there. Let people know what you are doing. For some reason (the theory behind it I can’t quite put into detail) once you put it out there and let people know, people who you trust, people that you look up to, like, feel responsible toward, whatever, you create a superior inner power and motivation to get it done. I guess maybe you don’t want to come back later and say, “oh that? naw, I was just full of shit.”
So, back to the post I was trying to write. Recently I was blabbing with a friend on Facebook about my boat desires. Turns out, he builds boats and ships…wooden ones. I mentioned that I would at least like to build a small sailboat, but one that somehow looked a little like a Viking ship.
Well, Wade’s the man. Apparently, there is exactly such a thing. He showed me some pics of just what I was looking for. So this is kind of exactly what my first boat wants to be in my mind. The guy who posted at this link already did it. Now I want to.
No… I’ve never built a boat, and I’m sure I wont be circumnavigating the globe with my first creation, but its set in stone now… I’m going to build one… at least one. This seems like a great first project, and pretty close to what I’m picturing in my head.
By next time this year, I’ll be conquering and plundering up and down the Connecticut River in my “ship”
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