I had a lot of thoughts running through my head on the 25 minute drive into work this morning. Sometimes, my mental ramblings just bounce around in my head all day until I get them out. So, Folks, this morning, you are the lucky recipients of my morning epiphanies. I need to clean house.
I had a conversation yesterday that wandered into “What kind of person am I” in the sense of a morning person, a night owl, etc. I had some ideas yesterday…” I am this… well, but then I am that… or maybe…” Pondering the question this morning, I came to the conclusion that I am none of these. I am a man of moments.
For while it is true that I am not a fan of leaving the comfy warmth of the bed in the morning, I love catching the first rays of the day, breathing the morning air, sipping my coffee by the light of the woodstove in the quiet before the day. I’m not necessarily keen on the idea of having to go to work every day, but I enjoy the ride in, on most days. The day is still fresh ahead of me, and although maybe I am tired from staying up late, this day is new and hasn’t been mixed with the energy of other people and events.
At the other end of the day, its the same. I wouldn’t describe myself as a night owl. In fact, if there is a lack of mental stimulation, I fall asleep pretty easily, and often early. Of course, if I’m interested in what I am doing, reading a GOOD book, blogging, painting or sketching, writing, or playing a game, I often stay up way past the point where its to my benefit.
I hate the day to end. I’ll fall asleep on the couch or chair, but wake up and resume whatever I was doing. I want to stay on the scene. Tracy and I almost always were the last ones at a party, the wee morning hour people, just so we didn’t miss anything. That’s when the best conversations happen anyway. I love staying up and watching the stars, hiking outside at night, sitting by the fire until it is all but a faint glow of dying coals. Once you find your blissful spot, it’s hard to give it up and call it a day.
Mid day, lunch time, 10 am, 3:30, Supper time, they all have moments for me. I find lately that the 3-5 in the afternoon period is my slow period. I struggle to stay awake if I’m driving. Yet it is also the most productive if I am doing deed research or AutoCAD or working out. Then I’m on fire. I don’t really have a time of day… and while there are patterns that certain things, like falling asleep on the couch, will happen if there is a lack of interest or entertainment, given something enjoyable to do, I have boundless energy.
So all of this brings me back to my bubbling brain this morning. When I stepped outside to the go to work, I was engulfed by that beautiful autumn air. The temperature was only about 32 degrees, but the air was moist with impending rain, and full of all the Autumn aromas; rotting leaves, wood smoke, frost. Yes, even frost and impending precipitation have a delicious odor. There was a fog or misty-ness about the air, and the sun was casting an orange-pink glow over the sky. The leaves on the trees were brilliant; oranges, yellows, bright deep reds, and they were glowing, seemingly giving off their own light. I wish I had thought to snap some shots with my camera, but probably the colors were more of a feeling than a visual anyway.
I hopped into the truck and put on a favorite tune on my IPod, Jason Mraz’ “I’m Yours” and headed down to Keene, singing as I bounced along past the beautiful scenes on our dirt road. I was wishing I had a video player to capture all of my favorite, beautiful spots along the trip, which this morning, were in their fullest glory.
My head was reeling, happy, full of thoughts and ideas and yet stunned by the beauty surrounding me and so grateful to live in such a place. My spirit was vibrating!
So yah, I suppose one way to look at it is that I was on my way to work with a long day ahead of me; I had had very little sleep, and that this morning, in concept, was not any different than what I do every other day… but for me… it was one of those moments… a space and place in time that brought me real joy and I wished I could share that moment with you; but I just can’t seem to capture the feelings, sights and senses with words.
You’ll just have to trust me.