Life as Russ
Just babbling about stuff!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Thursday, September 7, 2017
I had a dream

"Bread is a very basic symbol, and is common amongst many different cultures and religions. As in life, bread in dreams can represent nourishment and sustenance. If we dream of bread, this is often a symbol that something we really need is readily available to us. In waking life, the nourishment we seek may not be simply food, but may be more abstract things such as emotional support, understanding, creative outlets or even more spiritual concerns. To dream of bread may symbolize that our basic needs of love and and support are being, or about to be met.Bread in dreams can also symbolize the basic requirements we have on the material level, to be fed, clothed and sheltered. We can look for how the bread appears in the dream to understand if we are looking at life with an approach or abundance or scarcity. To dream of losing bread, of it spoiling or being stolen is a sign that we are not having our basic needs met in waking life, and we may wish to consider getting “back to basics” in taking care of ourselves.On the other hand, a dream of breaking bread with someone, of sharing bread or receiving it are all profoundly wonderful symbols that our most essential needs are being catered to. To share bread can symbolize that we have more than enough of what we need in life, and are able to give freely, for we are living with abundance. A sense of abundance does not mean that we have lots of “stuff” – possessions, money etc, but just that all of our needs are met with some to spare. Abundance is a joyous state, where we are able to give, confident that it does not meaning losing anything essential, that what we give is never truly lost, for it returns, even if in other forms. In this way, bread can symbolize the cycle of life: birth, growth, death and rebirth. Bread comes from the harvesting of wheat, so when bread appears in dreams it may indicate the completion of a certain cycle of life-stage, and the beginning of another. Receiving bread in a dream can be a symbol of your higher Self, even Spirit Guide or Divine messenger offering you a gift that will not only keep you alive, but also nourish your very soul. Whenever you are offered a gift in a dream, you should always accept it graciously, even if you do not fully understand the significance or purpose oft he gift.Bread is used in many cultures to highlight the relationship between the nourishment of the body and the nourishment of the soul. This relationship means that dreams of bread can often have a profoundly spiritual nature. But bread can symbolize procreation, and therefore creativity and growth. We use the phrase “bun in the oven” for being pregnant. If you dream of baking bread, it may symbolize a new child, new creative project or something you wish to nurture and help “rise.”Bread dreams encourage us to look at our basic needs, and where they are being met of not. Bread in dreams ask us to consider what sustains and nurtures, what helps us grow, and to return our focus to that which is essential to our physical and spiritual well being.You may also be interested in the meaning of food and eating in dreams, feasts and banquets in dreams, new clothes in dreams, being pregnant in a dream, death and dying in dreams"~
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Monday, November 17, 2014
Has it really been a year?
I guess I partially blame social media. I post so many pictures and status’ as they happen on Facebook and G+ that it hardly seems worthwhile to sit down and actually think of something today. What’s new with me? Anyone that follows me on FB & G+ already knows.
Yet… I feel like I want to say something….to write something… An update… a retrospect on the last 12 months, just to get me back into the writing thing. who knows. Maybe just a ramble to relax a little bit.
Its been a busy, eventful year. Lots of changes.
In February, my big buddy George had some kind of stroke….which turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. He was riddle with Cancer and left us on March 14th. I was trying to remember the date and went scrolling through some of my FB posts at the time….made me all teary eyed again. He was the best big buddy.
In March, John & I did our first pig roast of the season at Killkenny’s for Saint Patty’s Day. It seems like forever ago. Again, looking through Facebook I can remember the day so clearly. I can’t really believe it was snowless and fairly warm. It was such a great day! Interestingly enough, this would be our last BBQ/pig roast until September. Got to work on advertising. But really, since both of us were sooo busy with other things, it turned out to be OK.
Then in April, there was Ingress and that battle for NH/VT began. Ingress is a game you play on your phone…a game of two teams, Frogs and Smurfs, a game where you have to actually visit and then check in/capture portals (kind of like a capture the flag game), which can be churches, historical markers, fire stations, statues, famous buildings etc. I spent hours upon hours with Stellabloo, Seebee7, The Gunns, SpookyToady, mcricket & QRM taking and retaking Keene from Nymble, Coopdetat, Scurra7, Piglet03431 , Andythebomb2 & ObiwanD2. The battle continues. It’s a very addictive game, you travel a lot and see a lot of local history. I’ve met a bunch of cool people too!
On Memorial day weekend, John & Mickey brought the pig roaster to Otter brook State Park and we had a killer BBQ party. This wasn’t a J.R. Smokey’s gig, just a party, but at least we got to cook for people. The next weekend, we volunteered for Sy’s Fund at the Up in Smoke BBQ Fest at the Cheshire Fairgrounds in Keene. Nothing like being part of the show! We got to serve BBQ, listen to great bands, eat great food, meet great people and even got a free beer. What’s not to love?
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Aww, dammit, Castaneda!!
I’ve loved Carlos Castaneda's books since I discovered them 20+ years ago. To get more “info” about him and his ideas, I even read books by his female followers. I recently got his last book as a gift, one that I wasn’t aware was published, although apparently it had been out since 1998. So yeah… I guess it had been a while since I really was “into” his books
Well, yesterday, I finished that book… and I just felt a little disturbed. I guess the fact that the book is prefaced by a note that he died in 1998, coupled with the fact that in his books, his premise was that his ending was going to be very different, kind of bothered me. It’s all kind of fantasy ,“way out there” stuff anyway, although some of his first novels actually do read like an anthropologist’s journal. Somehow, though, in the back of my mind, I guess I hoped some of the stuff about spirituality and energy was true.
So… I Googled him this morning and found this article. The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda. Much darker than I would have guessed.
Its not so much that I believed everything he wrote was true, but that to be such a favorite author of mine and then read about a truly dark and somewhat insidious past kind of pulled the rug out from under me.
Awww, crap!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
“What’s new?” you ask
I see some exciting new things on the horizon.
A cook book, a catering business and a restaurant. It’s all in the works, some of it in the near future, some of it a little further out there. At the moment, I daren’t say more, because there are things to take care of yet. I’m sure you all will be the first to know when things take off, so stay tuned.
I’ve picked up my pencils, paints, pens and other artsy tools lately, and have begun playing around putting the doodles in my brain on paper. If I had a natural talent, drawing and sketching would probably be it… I just never practice or think to do it, so my creations aren’t necessarily Art-in-the–Park worthy. Not that I do them for anyone else but me anyway.
I’ve been playing a bit more guitar, not necessarily a natural talent, but it is something that I love to do.
I’ve put a little work into re-learning and studying more Spanish. Here again… not even close to a natural talent, but I love that language! Who knows… maybe someday I’ll even get good enough to speak to someone other than myself in the truck.
It seems like it might be time to brew a couple batches of beer too. Something hoppy, something delicious.
And finally… I’ve started applying for Licensure as a Land Surveyor in a couple other states, Vermont & Massachusetts. I’ve been licensed in New Hampshire for 14 years. Getting the first license is the tricky part… it takes a 9 hour SIT exam, years of gaining experience and building a portfolio, 6 hours of the National exam and 3 hours of the State exam. I’m just a number of months and a 1/2 day State exam away from being a licensed Vermont surveyor…hopefully.
So there is is… a bit of what I’m up to. I know what you’re thinking…. not much of a blog post really … but I just felt the need to play with blogger and I’ve got an hour to kill before I pick up my daughter.